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Professional intervention
A boy in a standing support turns to the

For children and young people with complex learning difficulties and disabilities, there are often high level health, social and educational needs associated with their conditions. For some, this requires multiple interventions from many professionals.

Promoting collaborative working
A boy stands between two seated teachers.

The challenge of providing for the needs of children with educational and allied health needs is at the heart of collaborative working practices. The establishment of a child-centred and inclusive approach is essential to helping children make the best of their abilities.


In the school setting, staff, including teachers, classroom assistants, therapists and therapy assistants, work together to ensure that each child receives an integrated and co-ordinated provision in response to individual needs.

Working with each other
Two carers help a boy into a standing

Collaborative work is founded on the following building blocks:

  • Be honest with each other.
  • Be willing to learn from each other.
  • Treat each other with respect and dignity.
  • Be willing to admit you made mistakes.
  • Work collaboratively and co-operatively.
  • Be yourself.

(Based on Carpenter, 2011)

Find out more

Carpenter, B. (2011) Partnership with families. The Schools Network: London.