Your study level

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Focusing on engagement
A teacher engages with a young girl

Eating and drinking is a highly complex, multi-system skill involving anatomic stability, neuromuscular control and co-ordination, sensory perception, gastrointestinal function, cardio-respiratory support and integration from the autonomic nervous system.

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, 2006

Using the Engagement Profile and Scale (1)
Read the following explanatory text: Engagement Profile and Scale.

In this clip a teacher speaks about how interventions are set up and how useful information is gathered.

  • Poster
Using the Engagement Profile and Scale (2)
Identify a child new to you and/or new to the school. Use the Engagement Profile and Scale to carry out a baseline assessment. Consider the following questions:
  • What has this assessment told you about the child?
  • What are the teaching implications of this assessment?
  • What new information has been added to previous records?

Develop this and work in partnership with a colleague.

Look at the teaching implications for the assessment that you carried out. Refer to the 'Next Actions' box to guide you.

Plan a series of teaching activities that:

  • Reinforce the strongest area of engagement; and
  • Intervene around the weakest indicator of engagement.
Encountering obstacles
A female teacher holds a mirror
                  in front of a young female student

Reflect on the scales as a team. This will ensure that you obtain different perspectives and ideals.

  • If you are struggling to pull out details when you observe a child, film the observation. This will allow you to watch it many times and draw out the detail;
  • Have another observer with you (SENCo, TA, or a therapist) so that you can compare what you have just observed.
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Find out more
Carpenter, B. (2010) Children with Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities: Who are the children? What are their needs? Complex Needs Booklet Series, London: SSAT.

RSCLT (2006). Communicating Quality 3: RCSLT's Guidance on Best Practice in Service Organisation and Provision, p.320. London: Scotprint.